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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

  Migration of di-(2-ethylhexylexyl)adipate plasticizer from food-grade polyvinyl chloride film into hard and soft cheeses (Journal article)

  Determination of acrylamide and methacrylamide by normal (Journal article)

  Shelf-life extension of refrigerated Mediterranean mullet (Mullus surmuletus) using modified atmosphere packaging (Journal article)

  Shelf life of whole pasteurized milk in Greece: effect of packaging material (Journal article)

  Shelf-life extension of vacuum-packaged sea bream (Sparus aurata) fillets by combined gamma-irradiation and refrigeration: microbiological, chemical and sensory changes (Journal article)

  Evaluation of polyethylene terephthalate as a packaging material for premium quality whole pasteurized milk in Greece Part II. Storage under fluorescent light (Journal article)

  Changes in physicochemical and mechanical properties of gamma-irradiated polypropylene syringes as a function of irradiation dose (Journal article)

  Correlation between microbial flora, sensory changes and biogenic amines formation in fresh chicken meat stored aerobically or under modified atmosphere packaging at 4 degrees C: possible role of biogenic amines as spoilage indicators (Journal article)

  Changes in physicochemical and mechanical properties of electron-beam irradiated polypropylene syringes as a function of irradiation dose (Journal article)

  Evaluation of polyethylene terephthalate as a packaging material for premium quality whole pasteurized milk in Greece - Part I. Storage in the dark (Journal article)