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Showing results 5732 to 5751 of 47993 < previous   next >
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Evidence for proton excitations in Xe-130,Xe-132,Xe-134,Xe-136 isotopes from measurements of g factors of 2(1)(+) and 4(1)(+) statesJakob, G.; Benczer-Koller, N.; Kumbartzki, G.; Holden, J.; Mertzimekis, T. J.; Speidel, K. H.; Ernst, R.; Stuchbery, A. E.; Pakou, A.; Maier-Komor, P.; Macchiavelli, A.; McMahan, M.; Phair, L.; Lee, I. Y.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence for the Inter/intra-relationship between the sense of fairness at workplace, distress, and health outcomeGalanakis, Michael; Bithava, Ioanna; Emmanouil, Chrysoula; Lali, Paraskevi; Symeonidi, Artemis-Helen; Darviri, Christina; Μπιτχαβά, Ιωάννα25-Apr-2023-
Evidence for the selective release of lysosomal proteinases in fasted rabbitsPontremoli, S.; Melloni, E.; De Flora, A.; Accorsi, A.; Balestrero, F.; Tsolas, O.; Horecker, B. L.; Poole, B.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence from crossover trials: empirical evaluation and comparison against parallel arm trialsLathyris, D. N.; Trikalinos, T. A.; Ioannidis, J. P.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence from systematic reviews in dental researchΠανδής, Νικόλαος; Pandis, Nikolaos18-Nov-2016-
The evidence in Plato's Phaedrus for the Stesichorean PalinodeRozokoki, Alexandra11-Nov-2015-
Evidence of alpha2-adrenoceptor involvement in B[alpha]P induction processes of drug-metabolizing enzymes: the effect of stressKonstandi, M.; Kostakis, D.; Johnson, E.; Lang, M. A.; Marselos, M.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence of differential control of FSH and LH responses to GnRH by ovarian steroids in the luteal phase of the cycleMessinis, I. E.; Milingos, S.; Alexandris, E.; Mademtzis, I.; Kollios, G.; Seferiadis, K.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence of increased chromosomal instability in infertile males after exposure to mitomycin C and caffeinePapachristou, F.; Lialiaris, T.; Touloupidis, S.; Kalaitzis, C.; Simopoulos, C.; Sofikitis, N.24-Nov-2015-
EVIDENCE OF INCREASED SDLDL PARTICLES DURING ACUTE INFECTION WITH EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUSApostolou, F.; Gazi, I.; Saougos, V.; Tselepis, A.; Elisaf, M. S.; Liberopoulos, E.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence of lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve entrapment during autopsyParaskevas, G.; Tsitsopoulos, P. P.; Papaziogas, B.; Natsis, K.; Kitsoulis, P.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence of survival benefit of extended (D2) lymphadenectomy in western patients with gastric cancer based on a new concept: a prospective long-term follow-up studyRoukos, D. H.; Lorenz, M.; Encke, A.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence on interventions to reduce medical errors: an overview and recommendations for future researchIoannidis, J. P.; Lau, J.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence report on the treatment of pain in cancer patientsCarr, D. B.; Goudas, L. C.; Balk, E. M.; Bloch, R.; Ioannidis, J. P.; Lau, J.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence that D-glucaro-1,4-lactone shortens the pharmacological action of drugs being disposed via the bile as glucuronidesMarselos, M.; Dutton, G.; Hanninen, O.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence-based medicine: development and implementation of guidelines in oncologyPavlidis, N.24-Nov-2015-
Evidence-based recommendations for the management of ankylosing spondylitis: results of the Hellenic working group of the 3E Initiative in RheumatologyRaptopoulou, A.; Sidiropoulos, P.; Siakka, P.; Boki, K. A.; Drosos, A. A.; Aslanidis, S.; Karras, D.; Pikazis, D.; Vassilopoulos, D.; Karassa, F.; Boumpas, D. T.24-Nov-2015-
EvolatΠασχάλης, Μιχαήλ21-Dec-2020-
Evolution and control of the structure of a SiO2/semiconductor nanoelectronics materialBeltsios, K.; Normand, P.; Kapetanakis, E.; Tsoukalas, D.; Travlos, A.24-Nov-2015-
Evolution and persistence of paedomorphosis in newts (Amphibia, Urodela)Toli, Elisabet-Aspasia; Τόλη, Ελισάβετ-Ασπασία3-Oct-2022-