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Title: Synthesis, structural and theoretical studies of a rare hexameric water cluster held in the lattice of {[Zn(HL)(phen)(H(2)O)]center dot 3(H(2)O)}2 (H(3)L = trans-aconitic acid)
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών. Τμήμα Χημείας
Keywords: hexameric water cluster,zinc(ii),3d metal-supramolecular architecture,h-bond,crystal structure,ice,complexes,networks,polymers,ligand,host,bulk,ions,tape
ISSN: 1387-7003
Link: <Go to ISI>://000287269000022
Publisher: Elsevier
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά). ΧΗΜ

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