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Title: The bcl-2 knockout mouse exhibits marked changes in osteoblast phenotype and collagen deposition in bone as well as a mild growth plate phenotype
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Επιστημών και Τεχνολογιών. Τμήμα Βιολογικών Εφαρμογών και Τεχνολογιών
Keywords: bcl-2,bcl-2 knockout mouse,growth plate,osteoblast,bone,collagen,hormone-related peptide,cell-cycle entry,parathyroid-hormone,skeletal development,targeted disruption,indian hedgehog,b-cells,cartilage,mice,expression
ISSN: 0959-9673
Link: <Go to ISI>://000076792900008
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά)

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