Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά) - ΙΑΤ

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 6839
TitleAuthor(s)Issue date???itemlist.???
A case report of a psoriatic arthritis patient on hemodialysis treated with tumor necrosis factor blocking agent and a literature reviewSaougou, I.; Papagoras, C.; Markatseli, T. E.; Voulgari, P. V.; Drosos, A. A.24-Nov-2015-
Vitrectomy results for diffuse diabetic macular edema with and without inner limiting membrane removalStefaniotou, M.; Aspiotis, M.; Kalogeropoulos, C.; Christodoulou, A.; Psylla, M.; Ioachim, E.; Alamanos, I.; Psilas, K.24-Nov-2015-
The incidence of Actinomyces israeli colonization in tonsillar tissue. A histopathological studyAssimakopoulos, D.; Vafiadis, M.; Askitis, P.; Sivridis, E.; Skevas, A.24-Nov-2015-
A case study of multiple-treatments meta-analysis demonstrates that covariates should be consideredSalanti, G.; Marinho, V.; Higgins, J. P.24-Nov-2015-
A cheap telemetric system for analyzing gaitKyriazis, V.; Rigas, C.24-Nov-2015-
A clinicopathological study of the expression of extracellular matrix components in urothelial carcinomaIoachim, E.; Michael, M.; Stavropoulos, N. E.; Kitsiou, E.; Salmas, M.; Malamou-Mitsi, V.24-Nov-2015-
A clinical case report of a Schwannoma on the tip of the tongueVafiadis, M.; Fiska, A.; Panopoulou, M.; Assimakopoulos, D.24-Nov-2015-
A combined approach for the early detection of ovarian cancer in asymptomatic womenAdonakis, G. L.; Paraskevaidis, E.; Tsiga, S.; Seferiadis, K.; Lolis, D. E.24-Nov-2015-
A collaborative evaluation of the cytotoxicity of two surfactants by using the human corneal epithelial cell line and the WST-1 testHuhtala, A.; Alajuuma, P.; Burgalassi, S.; Chetoni, P.; Diehl, H.; Engelke, M.; Marselos, M.; Monti, D.; Pappas, P.; Saettone, M. F.; Salminen, L.; Sotiropoulou, M.; Tahti, H.; Uusitalo, H.; Zorn-Kruppa, M.24-Nov-2015-
A combined proximal and distal dislocation of two adjacent metatarsals: double floating metatarsal bones (second-third)Christodoulou, A.; Ploumis, A.; Terzidis, I.; Koukoulidis, A.24-Nov-2015-
A combined molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulation of the spatial distribution of energy deposition by proton beams in liquid waterGarcia-Molina, R.; Abril, I.; Heredia-Avalos, S.; Kyriakou, I.; Emfietzoglou, D.24-Nov-2015-
A community waterborne outbreak of gastro-enteritis attributed to Shigella sonneiAlamanos, Y.; Maipa, V.; Levidiotou, S.; Gessouli, E.24-Nov-2015-
A comparative experimental study of the effects of diclofenac and ketoprofen on the small-bowel mucosa of caninesBaltoyiannis, G.; Christodoulos, N.; Mitsis, M.; Stephanou, D.; Ioannou, H.; Nousias, V.; Kappas, A. M.24-Nov-2015-
The incidence of thyroid function abnormalities in patients attending an outpatient lipid clinicTsimihodimos, V.; Bairaktari, E.; Tzallas, C.; Miltiadus, G.; Liberopoulos, E.; Elisaf, M. S.24-Nov-2015-
A comparative study of the behavioral effects of d-amphetamine and apomorphine in the ratAntoniou, K.; Kafetzopoulos, E.24-Nov-2015-
A comparative study of age and degree of facial nerve recovery in patients with Bell's palsyDanielidis, V.; Skevas, A.; Van Cauwenberge, P.; Vinck, B.24-Nov-2015-
A comparative study of dielectric response function models for liquid waterEmfietzoglou, D.; Nikjoo, H.; Pathak, A.24-Nov-2015-
A comparison of electroneuronography with facial nerve latency testing for prognostic accuracy in patients with Bell's palsyDanielides, V.; Skevas, A.; Van Cauwenberge, P.24-Nov-2015-
A comparison of four- versus three-pass transjugular biopsy using a 19-G Tru-Cut needle and a randomized study using a cassette to prevent biopsy fragmentationVibhakorn, S.; Cholongitas, E.; Kalambokis, G.; Manousou, P.; Quaglia, A.; Marelli, L.; Senzolo, M.; Patch, D.; Dhillon, A.; Burroughs, A. K.24-Nov-2015-
A compendium of genome-wide associations for cancer: critical synopsis and reappraisalIoannidis, J. P.; Castaldi, P.; Evangelou, E.24-Nov-2015-