Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά) - ΙΑΤ

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 6839
TitleAuthor(s)Issue date???itemlist.???
The Effect of Gamma-Irradiation on the Organization of Mouse Skin Collagen Fibrils - the Positive Staining PatternTzaphlidou, M.; Leontiou, I.; Glaros, D.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of highly selective vagotomy on canine gastric mucosal blood flowNatsikas, N. B.; Konstantaras, C.; Psarrakos, K. P.; Kappas, A. M.; Lazarides, D. P.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of indomethacin, diclofenac and flurbiprofen on the maintenance of mydriasis during extracapsular cataract extractionPsilas, K.; Kalogeropoulos, C.; Loucatzicos, E.; Asproudis, I.; Petroutsos, G.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of hyperoxaemia on erythropoietin secretion in anaemic patientsTsangaris, H.; Pneumatikos, J.; Sdranis, J.; Frangides, C.; Nakos, G.24-Nov-2015-
Vitamin C transiently arrests cancer cell cycle progression in S phase and G2/M boundary by modulating the kinetics of activation and the subcellular localization of Cdc25C phosphataseThomas, C. G.; Vezyraki, P. E.; Kalfakakou, V. P.; Evangelou, A. M.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of kallikrein on human sperm membrane functionSofikitis, N.; Miyagawa, I.; Toda, T.; Harada, T.; Mio, Y.; Terakawa, N.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of length of time of refertilization following delivery on the fertility of cowsVlachos, K.; Paschaleri, E.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of intrauterine growth retardation on renal function in the first two months of lifeGiapros, V.; Papadimitriou, P.; Challa, A.; Andronikou, S.24-Nov-2015-
Μια εύκολη και αξιόπιστη μέθοδος για την παρασκευή ημίλεπτων ιστικών τομών σε ρητίνη και την περαιτέρω επεξεργασία τους με ιστοχημικές και ανασοϊστοχημικές χρώσειςΜπατιστάτου, Α.; Αλεξίου, Μ.; Πάτρα, Ε.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of lipopolysaccharide and interferon-gamma on phospholipase A(2) and PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in control/ards blood mononuclear and lung macrophage cellsHatzidaki, E.; Nakos, G.; Koulouras, V.; Lekka, M. E.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of lithium treatment on collagenous tissues: an electron microscope studyTzaphlidou, M.; Kounadi, E.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome and its components: a meta-analysis of 50 studies and 534,906 individualsKastorini, C. M.; Milionis, H. J.; Esposito, K.; Giugliano, D.; Goudevenos, J. A.; Panagiotakos, D. B.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of mechanical ventilation on the biochemical parameters of BAL in sheepsTsangaris, H.; Kitsiouli, E.; Nathanail, C.; Konstanti, E.; Galani, V.; Lekka, M. E.; Nakos, G.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of model approximations on single-collision distributions of low-energy electrons in liquid waterEmfietzoglou, D.; Nikjoo, H.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of partial excision of the A2 and A4 pulleys on the biomechanics of finger flexionTomaino, M.; Mitsionis, G.; Basitidas, J.; Grewal, R.; Pfaeffle, J.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of orlistat and fenofibrate, alone or in combination, on small dense LDL and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 in obese patients with metabolic syndromeFilippatos, T. D.; Gazi, I. F.; Liberopoulos, E. N.; Athyros, V. G.; Elisaf, M. S.; Tselepis, A. D.; Kiortsis, D. N.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of partially purified dexamethasone receptor on RNA synthesis in rat thymus and liver nucleiTsawdaroglou, N. H.; Tzavaras, T.; Sekeris, C. E.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of moxonidine on plasma lipid profile and on LDL subclass distributionElisaf, M. S.; Petris, C.; Bairaktari, E.; Karabina, S. A.; Tzallas, C.; Tselepis, A.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Vitamin D and calcium: a systematic review of health outcomesChung, M.; Balk, E. M.; Brendel, M.; Ip, S.; Lau, J.; Lee, J.; Lichtenstein, A.; Patel, K.; Raman, G.; Tatsioni, A.; Terasawa, T.; Trikalinos, T. A.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of physician panel size on health care outcomesStefos, T.; Burgess, J. F., Jr.; Mayo-Smith, M. F.; Frisbee, K. L.; Harvey, H. B.; Lehner, L.; Lo, S.; Moran, E.24-Nov-2015-