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Title: Proton reaction cross-section measurements on stable and neutron-rich nuclei as a probe of the nucleon-nucleus interaction
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Επιστημών και Τεχνολογιών. Τμήμα Βιολογικών Εφαρμογών και Τεχνολογιών
Keywords: h-1(alpha, x),(he-6, x),(li-7, x),(li-8, x),(li-9, x),(be-9, x),(be-10, x),(be-11, x),(f-21, x),(f-22, x),(f-23, x),(f-24, x),(ne-23, x),(ne-24, x),(ne-25, x),(ne-26, x),(na-25, x),(na-26, x),(na-27, x),(na-28, x),(na-29, x),(mg-29, x),(mg-30, x),(mg-31, x),(mg-32, x),e approximate to 35-81 mev/nucleon,measured reaction sigma,comparison with model predictions,optical-model analysis,elastic-scattering,inelastic-scattering,isospin dependence,finite nuclei,isotopes,consistent,radii,approximation,potentials
ISSN: 0375-9474
Link: <Go to ISI>://000176944800001
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά)

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