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Results 21-30 of 45 (Search time: 0.505 seconds).

  Immunohistochemical expression of superoxide dismutase (MnSOD) anti-oxidant enzyme in invasive breast carcinoma (Journal article)

  Immunohistochemical expression of extracellular matrix components tenascin, fibronectin, collagen type IV and laminin in breast cancer: their prognostic value and role in tumour invasion and progression (Journal article)

  Glufosfamide administered using a 1-hour infusion given as first-line treatment for advanced pancreatic cancer. A phase II trial of the EORTC-new drug development group (Journal article)

  G-CSF induces elevation of circulating CA 15-3 in breast carcinoma patients treated in an adjuvant setting (Journal article)

  Chemotherapy for patients with two favourable subsets of unknown primary carcinoma: active, but how effective? (Journal article)

  Clinicopathological study of metallothionein immunohistochemical expression, in benign, borderline and malignant ovarian epithelial tumors (Journal article)

  Feasibility study and pharmacokinetics of low-dose paclitaxel in cancer patients with severe hepatic dysfunction (Journal article)

  Clinicopathological study of the expression of syndecan-1 in invasive breast carcinomas. correlation with extracellular matrix components (Journal article)

  Clinicopathological study of the expression of hsp27, pS2, cathepsin D and metallothionein in primary invasive breast cancer (Journal article)

  Chemotherapy-induced noncardiogenic pulmonary edema related to gemcitabine plus docetaxel combination with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor support (Journal article)