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Results 1-10 of 12 (Search time: 0.005 seconds).

  A major Sm epitope anchored to sequential oligopeptide carriers is a suitable antigenic substrate to detect anti-Sm antibodies (Journal article)

  Linear epitopes of two different autoantigens-La/SSB and myelin basic protein - with a high degree of molecular similarity, cause different humoral immune responses (Journal article)

  No evidence of epitope spreading after immunization with the major Sm epitope P-P-G-M-R-P-P anchored to sequential oligopeptide carriers (SOCs) (Journal article)

  Peptide carriers: A helicoid-type sequential oligopeptide carrier (SOCn) for multiple anchoring of antigenic/immunogenic peptides (Journal article)

  A diepitopic sequential oligopeptide carrier (SOCn) as mimic of the Sm autoantigen: Synthesis, conformation and biological assays (Journal article)

  Conformational study of the complementary peptide to a B-cell epitope of the La/SSB autoantigen (Journal article)

  Study of antibody and T cell responses in rabbits immunized with synthetic human B cell epitope analogues of La (SSB) autoantigen (Journal article)

  The clinical relevance of antibodies to ribosomal-P common epitope in two targeted systemic lupus erythematosus populations: a large cohort of consecutive patients and patients with active central nervous system disease (Journal article)

  Antibodies to Eyrkk Vesicular Stomatitis Virus-Related Peptide Account Only for a Minority of Anti-Ro60kd Antibodies (Journal article)

  Unmasking the anti-La/SSB response in sera from patients with Sjogren's syndrome by specific blocking of anti-idiotypic antibodies to La/SSB antigenic determinants (Journal article)