Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά) - ΙΑΤ

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 6839
TitleAuthor(s)Issue date???itemlist.???
The influence of basic research in Pathology: the paradigm of cancerBatistatou, A.; Stefanou, D.; Agnantis, N. J.24-Nov-2015-
A method for determination of the excretion rate of deoxycorticosteroneWeinstein, R. L.; Lai, B.; Xenakis, T.24-Nov-2015-
A model of cardiovascular disease giving a plausible mechanism for the effect of fractionated low-dose ionizing radiation exposureLittle, M. P.; Gola, A.; Tzoulaki, I.24-Nov-2015-
A model of carbon ion interactions in water using the classical trajectory Monte Carlo methodLiamsuwan, T.; Uehara, S.; Emfietzoglou, D.; Nikjoo, H.24-Nov-2015-
A method of short-term cryostorage and selection of viable sperm for use in the various assisted reproductive techniquesZavos, P. M.; Correa, J. R.; Sofikitis, N.; Kofinas, G. D.; Zarmakoupis, P. N.24-Nov-2015-
A model to study total hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injuryKanoria, S.; Glantzounis, G.; Jalan, R.; Davies, N. A.; Seifalian, A. M.; Williams, R.; Davidson, B. R.24-Nov-2015-
A modification of the grain count halving method for detailed analysis of cell kinetic parametersBassukas, I. D.; Maurer-Schultze, B.24-Nov-2015-
A Monte Carlo study of absorbed dose distributions in both the vapor and liquid phases of water by intermediate energy electrons based on different condensed-history transport schemesBousis, C.; Emfietzoglou, D.; Hadjidoukas, P.; Nikjoo, H.24-Nov-2015-
A modified method allows for correlation between NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry and immunohistochemistry for the demonstration of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)Grozdanovic, Z.; Nakos, G.; Mayer, B.; Gossrau, R.24-Nov-2015-
The influence of diabetes on novel electrocardiographic indexes of arrhythmic risk in patients with stable coronary artery diseaseKorantzopoulos, P.; Letsas, K. P.; Christogiannis, Z.; Kalantzi, K.; Milionis, H. J.; Massis, I.; Pappas, C.; Goudevenos, J. A.24-Nov-2015-
A modified deep sclerectomy with or without external trabeculectomy: a comparative studyKitsos, G.; Aspiotis, M.; Alamanos, Y.; Psilas, K.24-Nov-2015-
A Monte Carlo study of cellular S-factors for 1 keV to 1 MeV electronsBousis, C.; Emfietzoglou, D.; Hadjidoukas, P.; Nikjoo, H.24-Nov-2015-
A Monte Carlo track structure code for electrons (approximately 10 eV-10 keV) and protons (approximately 0.3-10 MeV) in water: partitioning of energy and collision eventsEmfietzoglou, D.; Papamichael, G.; Kostarelos, K.; Moscovitch, M.24-Nov-2015-
A Monte-Carlo code for the detailed simulation of electron and light-ion tracks in condensed matterEmfietzoglou, D.; Papamichael, G.; Karava, K.; Androulidakis, I. I.; Pathak, A.; Phillips, G. W.; Moscovitch, M.; Kostarelos, K.24-Nov-2015-
A multi-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii outbreak in a general intensive care unitLevidiotou, S.; Galanakis, E.; Vrioni, G.; Papamichael, D.; Nakos, G.; Stefanou, D.24-Nov-2015-
A new concept of melanocytic neoplasia pathogenesis based on the phenotype of common acquired neviBatistatou, A.; Zioga, A.; Panelos, J.; Massi, D.; Agnantis, N. J.; Charalabopoulos, K.24-Nov-2015-
A new combined "interrupted-continuous" microvascular anastomotic technique. Experimental study and clinical applicationLykoudis, E. G.; Spyropoulou, G. A.; Liadakis, G. N.; Papaliodi, E. T.24-Nov-2015-
A mutant oncolytic adenovirus targeting the Rb pathway produces anti-glioma effect in vivoFueyo, J.; Gomez-Manzano, C.; Alemany, R.; Lee, P. S.; McDonnell, T. J.; Mitlianga, P.; Shi, Y. X.; Levin, V. A.; Yung, W. K.; Kyritsis, A. P.24-Nov-2015-
A network of investigator networks in human genome epidemiologyIoannidis, J. P.; Bernstein, J. L.; Boffetta, P.; Danesh, J.; Dolan, S.; Hartge, P.; Hunter, D.; Inskip, P.; Jarvelin, M. R.; Little, J.; Maraganore, D. M.; Bishop, J. A.; O'Brien, T. R.; Petersen, G.; Riboli, E.; Seminara, D.; Taioli, E.; Uitterlinden, A. G.; Vineis, P.; Winn, D. M.; Salanti, G.; Higgins, J. P.; Khoury, M. J.24-Nov-2015-
The influence of graft choice on isokinetic muscle strength 4-24 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstructionXergia, S. A.; McClelland, J. A.; Kvist, J.; Vasiliadis, H. S.; Georgoulis, A. D.24-Nov-2015-