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Results 1-10 of 12 (Search time: 0.028 seconds).

  Removal of herbicides from aqueous solutions by adsorption on Al-pillared clays, Fe-Al pillared clays and mesoporous alumina aluminum phosphates (Journal article)

  Removal of organophosphorus insecticides from aqueous solution by adsorption on microporous pillared clays and mesoporous alumina aluminum phosphates (Journal article)

  Removal of chlorinated phenols from aqueous solutions by adsorption on alumina pillared clays and mesoporous alumina aluminum phosphates (Journal article)

  Scaling dimensions of nitrogen adsorption characteristics in modulated mesoporous aluminophosphates (Journal article)

  Separation of chlorophenols using columns of hydroxyaluminium interlayered clays (Journal article)

  Fractal dimensionality of vinyl chloride monomer adsorption on polyvinyl chloride particles (Journal article)

  Comparative-Study of the Solid-State and Catalytic Properties of La2-Xsrxnio4-Lambda Perovskites (X = 0.00-1.50) Prepared by the Nitrate and Citrate Methods (Journal article)

  Evaluation of microporosity, pore tortuosity, and connectivity of montmorillonite solids pillared with LaNiO(x) binary oxide. A combined application of the CPSM model, the alpha(s)-plot method and a pore percolation-connectivity model (Journal article)

  Pore structure-chemical composition interactions of new high surface area manganese based mesoporous materials. Materials preparation, characterization, and catalytic activity (Journal article)

  An investigation of the physical structure of MCM-41 novel mesoporous materials using a corrugated pore structure model (Journal article)