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Results 11-20 of 139 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

  A slow rate exchange process allows the detection of both carbonyl (C=O) and hydroxyl (-OH) O-17 nuclear magnetic resonances of the carboxylic group (Journal article)

  Highly constrained cyclic (S,S) -CXaaC- peptides as inhibitors of fibrinogen binding to platelets (Journal article)

  HLA-DQ7 beta(1) and beta(2) derived peptides as immunomodulators (Journal article)

  HIV-1 Epitopes Localizing to the Membrane Proximal External Region (MPER) of gp41 and to the V3 Loop of gp120: Syntheses and Immunization Assays (Journal article)

  Hydration of the Gly2 and Gly3 Peptide Oxygens of [Leu5]-Enkephalin in Aqueous-Solution as Revealed by the Combined Use of O-17-Nmr and Fourier-Transform Infrared-Spectroscopy (Journal article)

  Hydrolysis of cheese peptides by extracellular proteinase from Pseudomonas fluorescens TR2 (Journal article)

  Detection of T-Cell Epitopes and Modeling of Dq2 and Dq7 Molecules Using Computational Methods (Journal article)

  Idiotype-antidiotype circuit of anti-la/SSB antibodies in immunized balb/c mice : A study using complementary epitope analogues (Journal article)

  Idiotype-anti-idiotype circuit in non-autoimmune mice after immunization with the epitope and complementary epitope 289-308aa of La/SSB: implications for the maintenance and perpetuation of the anti-La/SSB response (Journal article)

  Immunological and conformational studies of the major epitope of the Sm autoantigen anchored to sequential oligo-peptide carriers (SOCn). (Journal article)