Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά). ΙΣΤ

Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 289
TitleAuthor(s)Issue date???itemlist.???
Philippi II et l'organisation politique de la Thessalie en 344 av. J.CΠαπαστύλου- Φίλιου, Ζωή24-Nov-2015-
Protopapas Laurentios Dalephantos. A Scribe in 16th Century Famagusta (with 2 plates)Κωνσταντινίδης, Κώστας Ν.24-Nov-2015-
Praxiteles the Sauroctonus, and the Roman Gem CutterΠλάντζος, Δημήτρης24-Nov-2015-
Principles of Fieldwork and ArchivingΠαπαχριστοφόρου, Μαριλένα24-Nov-2015-
Pόδιοι βιβλιογράφοι στη Λατινοκρατούμενη KύπροΚωνσταντινίδης, Κώστας Ν.24-Nov-2015-
Regions of the imagination: Archaeologists, local people, and the archaeological record in fieldwork, GreeceΦωτιάδης, Μιχάλης24-Nov-2015-
Regional projects and cultural identity: Beyond ethical questionsΦωτιάδης, Μιχάλης24-Nov-2015-
Review of Aegean Prehistory V: The Neolithic and Bronze Age of Northern GreeceΦωτιάδης, Μιχάλης24-Nov-2015-
Review of K.Zacharia, Hellenisms. Culture, Identity, and Ethnicity from Antiquity to ModernityΠλάντζος, Δημήτρης24-Nov-2015-
Royal Macedonian coins in Epirus in the Historical ContextΛιάμπη, Αικατερίνη24-Nov-2015-
Rome et Rhodes au tournant du IIIe s. av. J.C. d'apres une inscription inEdite de RhodesΚοντορίνη, Βάσα24-Nov-2015-
Via Egnatia after Egnatius: Imperial Policy and Inter-regional ContactsΛώλος, Γιάννος Γ.24-Nov-2015-
Sceaux inedits d'Arabes au service de ByzanceΣταυράκος, Χρήστος24-Nov-2015-
Ruins into relics: Classical archaeology, European identities, and their refractionsΦωτιάδης, Μιχάλης24-Nov-2015-
Salamis: KanakiaΛώλος, Γιάννος Γ.24-Nov-2015-
Some Notes on the Correspondence of George-Gregory of CyprusΚωνσταντινίδης, Κώστας Ν.24-Nov-2015-
Sensory Politics and Art History: Formalism and Modern Ways of LifeΣαραφιανός, Άρης24-Nov-2015-
Sleep and wakefulness in the Greek folk talesΠαπαχριστοφόρου, Μαριλένα24-Nov-2015-
Stubbs, Walpole and Burke: Convulsive Imitation and 'Truth Extorted'Σαραφιανός, Άρης24-Nov-2015-
Spanish Echoes in Greece, 1946-1949: The Myth of the Participation of an “International Brigade” in the Greek Civil WarΣφήκας, Θανάσης Δ.24-Nov-2015-