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DC FieldValueLanguage
dc.contributor.authorEvangelou, S. N.en
dc.contributor.authorKatsanos, D. E.en
dc.rightsDefault Licence-
dc.subjectoff-diagonal disorderen
dc.subject2-dimensional square latticeen
dc.subjectd-wave superconductorsen
dc.subjectqcd dirac operatoren
dc.subject2 dimensionsen
dc.subjectquantum diffusionen
dc.subjectanderson modelen
dc.subjectscaling theoryen
dc.titleSpectral statistics in chiral-orthogonal disordered systemsen
heal.type.enJournal articleen
heal.type.elΆρθρο Περιοδικούel
heal.identifier.primaryDoi 10.1088/0305-4470/36/12/322-
heal.identifier.secondary<Go to ISI>://000182454900023-
heal.recordProviderΠανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Επιστημών και Τεχνολογιών. Τμήμα Βιολογικών Εφαρμογών και Τεχνολογιώνel
heal.abstractWe describe the singularities in the averaged density of states and the corresponding statistics of the energy levels in two- (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) chiral symmetric and time-reversal invariant disordered systems, realized in bipartite lattices with real off-diagonal disorder. For off-diagonal disorder of zero mean, we obtain a singular density of states in 2D which becomes much less pronounced in 3D, while the level-statistics can be described by a semi-Poisson distribution with mostly critical fractal states in 2D and Wigner surmise with mostly delocalized states in 3D. For logarithmic offdiagonal disorder of large strength, we find behaviour indistinguishable from ordinary disorder with strong localization in any dimension but in addition one-dimensional 1/\E\ Dyson-like asymptotic spectral singularities. The off-diagonal disorder is also shown to enhance the propagation of two interacting particles similarly to systems with diagonal disorder. Although disordered models with chiral symmetry differ from non-chiral ones due to the presence of spectral singularities, both share the same qualitative localization properties except at the chiral symmetry point E = 0 which is critical.en
heal.journalNameJournal of Physics a-Mathematical and Generalen
heal.journalTypepeer reviewed-
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά)

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