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Showing results 17670 to 17689 of 47993 < previous   next >
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The wall paintings from Building Beta, Akrotiri Thera. Α new approach to the iconographic programmeΓεώρμα, Φραγκούλα; Georma, Fragoula16-Apr-2021-
Wall stabilization and the Mathieu-Hill equationsTasso, H.; Throumoulopoulos, G. N.24-Nov-2015-
Wallace William "Duhem and Koyre on Domingo de Soto"Πουρνάρη, Μαρία24-Nov-2015-
Walter Schulz, Ich und Welt. Pfullingen 1979Αποστολοπούλου, Γεωργία24-Nov-2015-
WantedΣυλαϊδόπουλος, Μάριος8-Sep-2014-
WAP - Wireless Application ProtocolsΓουρδούπη, Παναγιώτα24-Jun-2014-
War and Peace in the Strategy of the Communist Party of Greece, 1945-1949Σφήκας, Θανάσης Δ.24-Nov-2015-
Was ist Philosophie?Κουμάκης, Γεώργιος; Koumakis, George20-Feb-2023-
Was King Theodahad's accession to the throne ever recognizes by Justinian?Αντωνόπουλος, Παναγιώτης; Antonopoulos, Panagiotis9-Nov-2015-
The water absorption behaviour of all-polypropylene composites and its effect on mechanical propertiesDeng, H.; Reynolds, C. T.; Cabrera, N. O.; Barkoula, N. M.; Alcock, B.; Peijs, T.24-Nov-2015-
Water and ethanol adsorption on starchy and cellulosic substrates as biomass separation systemsVareli, G. D.; Demertzis, P. G.; Akrida-Demertzi, K.24-Nov-2015-
Water as contrast medium for computed tomography study of colonic wall lesionsGossios, K. J.; Tsianos, E. V.; Kontogiannis, D. S.; Demou, L. L.; Tatsis, C. K.; Papakostas, V. P.; Merkouropoulos, M. M.; Tsimoyiannis, E. C.24-Nov-2015-
Water Binding on Egg Powders by Inverse Gas-Chromatography - Water Cluster-AnalysisDemertzis, P. G.; Kontominas, M. G.24-Nov-2015-
Water intoxication by the oral route in an infantLapatsanis, P.; Staphylakis, C.; Dafforn-Ierodiaconou, E.24-Nov-2015-
Water resistance of bone-cements reinforced with bioceramicsDaglilar, S.; Erkan, M. E.; Gunduz, O.; Ozyegin, L. S.; Salman, S.; Agathopoulos, S.; Oktar, F. N.24-Nov-2015-
Water Sorption by Wheat Ans Soy Flour - Comparison of 3 MethodsRiganakos, K. A.; Demertzis, P. G.; Kontominas, M. G.24-Nov-2015-
Water Sorption Isotherms of Crystalline Raffinose by Inverse Gas-ChromatographyDemertzis, P. G.; Riganakos, K. A.; Kontominas, M. G.24-Nov-2015-
Water vapor adsorption and photocatalytic pollutant degradation with TiO(2)-sepiolite nanocompositesKaramanis, D.; Okte, A. N.; Vardoulakis, E.; Vaimakis, T.24-Nov-2015-
A water-dispersible, carboxylate-rich carbonaceous solid: synthesis, heavy metal uptake and EPR studyTselepidou, A.; Drosos, M.; Stathi, P.; Bourlinos, A. B.; Zboril, R.; Deligiannakis, Y.24-Nov-2015-
Water-gas shift activity of doped Pt/CeO2 catalystsPanagiotopoulou, P.; Papavasiliou, J.; Avgouropoulos, G.; Ioannides, T.; Kondarides, D. I.24-Nov-2015-