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Showing results 70 to 89 of 326 < previous   next >
TitleAuthor(s)Issue date???itemlist.???
Generalized beta generated - II distributionsZografos, Konstantinos13-Dec-2015-
George Stubbs's Dissection of the Horse and the Expressiveness of FacsimilesΣαραφιανός, Άρης11-Dec-2015-
Globalization multi cultural reality religious pluralism and religious aspects of inter cultural education in preschool and elementary school education through the view point of greek teachers and parentsSakellariou, Maria11-Dec-2015-
The Greek State, the Muslim Minorities of Western Thrace and Education: Shifts under Way?Benincasa, L.; Karavia, Olga; Skoulariki), Despina11-Dec-2015-
H διδακτική προσέγγιση του μουσείου των φυσικών επιστημών ως γέφυρα επιστήμης και τέχνης στην πρωτοβάθμια εκπαίδευσηΠλακίτση, Κ.16-Dec-2015-
H συγκρότηση της έννοιας Λαϊκός Πολιτισμός στο έργο του Στάθη Δαμιανάκου. Iδεολογικά και μεθοδολογικά ζητήματαΔερμεντζόπουλος, Χ.11-Dec-2015-
History, Philosophy and the Life Sciences: Hostile Responses to Burke's Sublime Empiricism and the Resurgence of the Aesthetic TodayΣαραφιανός, Άρης15-Dec-2015-
How harmful is international tax competitionKammas, P.; Philippopoulos, A.11-Dec-2015-
Image modeling and segmentation using incremental bayesian mixture modelsConstantinopoulos, Constantinos; Likas, Aristidis11-Dec-2015-
The impact of topography on the precipitation regime over Epirus, NW Greece, during the cold period of the yearBartzokas, A.; Sindosi, O.A.; Kotroni, V.; Lagouvardos, K.11-Dec-2015-
Improving the particle swarm optimizer by function stretchingParsopoulos, K. E.; Plagianakos, V. P.; Magoulas, G. B.; Vrahatis, M. N.12-Dec-2015-
An incremental bayesian approach for training multilayer perceptronsTzikas, Dimitris; Likas, Aristidis11-Dec-2015-
Incremental relevance Vector machine with Kernel learningTzikas, Dimitris; Likas, Aristidis; Galatsanos, Nikolaos11-Dec-2015-
Initializing the particle swarm optimizer using the nonlinear simplex methodParsopoulos, K.; Vrahatis, M. N.11-Dec-2015-
Interaction of thioamides, selenoamides and amides with di-iodine: a study of the mechanism of action of anti-thyroid drugsHadjikakou, S. K.; Hadjiliadis, N.11-Dec-2015-
Interactions of histone model peptides with carcinogenic metal ions (Ni2+, Cu2+)Mylonas, M.; Krezel, A.; Plakatouras, J. C.; Hadjiliadis, N.; Bal, W.13-Dec-2015-
An interactive geometric constraint solverFudos, I.11-Dec-2015-
Interfacial damage modelling of compositesPaipetis, A.; Galiotis, C.11-Dec-2015-
Introduction: information theory and statistical applicationsZografos, Konstantinos13-Dec-2015-
Is international tax competition really harmful: a general equilibrium model with asymmetric countriesKammas, A.; Philippopoulos, A.11-Dec-2015-