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Results 1-10 of 16 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

  Expression of oncofetal RNA-binding protein CRD-BP/IMP1 predicts clinical outcome in colon cancer (Journal article)

  Matrix metalloproteinases in carcinoma of unknown primary (Journal article)

  Prognostic significance of VEGF immunohistochemical expression and tumor angiogenesis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (Journal article)

  Liver metastases from cancer of unknown primary (CUPL): a retrospective analysis of presentation, management and prognosis in 49 patients and systematic review of the literature (Journal article)

  Immunohistochemical analysis of expression of bcl-2 protein in papillary carcinomas and papillary microcarcinomas of the thyroid gland (Journal article)

  Time independence of the prognostic impact of tumor cell detection in the bone marrow of primary breast cancer patients (Journal article)

  Gene expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor and microtubule-associated protein Tau in high-risk early breast cancer: a quest for molecular predictors of treatment benefit in the context of a Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group trial (Journal article)

  Immunohistochemical expression of heat shock protein 27, in normal hyperplastic and neoplastic endometrium: correlation with estrogen and progesterone receptor status, p53, pRb and proliferation associated indices (PCNA, MIB1) (Journal article)

  Correlation of mammographic appearance and molecular prognostic factors in high-grade breast carcinomas (Journal article)

  Evaluation of the prognostic and predictive value of HER family mRNA expression in high-risk early breast cancer: a Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (HeCOG) study (Journal article)