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Results 1-10 of 27 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

  Micro- and macro-consequences of ooplasmic injections of early haploid male gametes (Journal article)

  Using semen flow cytometry to evaluate association of ploidy status and chromatin condensation of spermatozoa with conventional semen parameters: clinical application in intrauterine insemination (Journal article)

  Real-time PCR analysis of trinucleotide repeat allele expansions in the androgen receptor gene (Journal article)

  Post-fertilization effects of chronic renal failure in male rats (Journal article)

  Lower urinary tract involvement in patients with newly diagnosed autoimmune bullous dermatoses: an urethrocystoscopic study (Journal article)

  The role of ultrasonographically guided puncture of the human rete testis in the therapeutic management of nonobstructive azoospermia (Journal article)

  Use of a highly sensitive quantitative telomerase assay in intracytoplasmic sperm injection programmes for the treatment of 47,XXY non-mosaic Klinefelter men (Journal article)

  Pre-decondensed sperm head injections into female pronuclei result in chromosomal mingling, zygotic cleavage, and adequate embryonic and fetal development up to delivery of healthy offspring: a novel method of assisted syngamy (Journal article)

  Ooplasmic injections of rabbit round spermatid nuclei or intact round spermatids from fresh, cryopreserved and cryostored samples (Journal article)

  Ooplasmic injections of secondary spermatocytes for non-obstructive azoospermia (Journal article)