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Results 1-10 of 11 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).

  In vitro spermatogenesis as a method to bypass pre-meiotic or post-meiotic barriers blocking the spermatogenetic process: genetic and epigenetic implications in assisted reproductive technology (Journal article)

  Post-fertilization effects of chronic renal failure in male rats (Journal article)

  Use of a highly sensitive quantitative telomerase assay in intracytoplasmic sperm injection programmes for the treatment of 47,XXY non-mosaic Klinefelter men (Journal article)

  Pre-decondensed sperm head injections into female pronuclei result in chromosomal mingling, zygotic cleavage, and adequate embryonic and fetal development up to delivery of healthy offspring: a novel method of assisted syngamy (Journal article)

  Role of testicular tissue telomerase assay for the prediction of the presence of testicular spermatozoa in azoospermic men with varicoceles, pre- and post-varicocelectomy (Journal article)

  Genetic and epigenetic risks of intracytoplasmic sperm injection method (Journal article)

  Germ cell transplantation: a review and progress report on ICSI from spermatozoa generated in xenogeneic testes (Journal article)

  Efforts to create an artificial testis: culture systems of male germ cells under biochemical conditions resembling the seminiferous tubular biochemical environment (Journal article)

  Effects of phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitors on sperm parameters and fertilizing capacity (Journal article)

  Effects of paternal cigarette smoking on testicular function, sperm fertilizing capacity, embryonic development, and blastocyst capacity for implantation in rats (Journal article)