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Results 1-10 of 28 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

  Juvenile cancer: improving care for adolescents and young adults within the frame of medical oncology (Journal article)

  Positive urinary cytology in patients with lung cancer in the absence of obvious urine tract metastases (Journal article)

  Phase I trial of intravenous cisplatin-topotecan chemotherapy for three consecutive days in patients with advanced solid tumors: parallel topotecan escalation in two fixed platinum dosing schemes (Journal article)

  Juvenile oncology--a missing subspecialty. The experience of a reference cancer centre (Journal article)

  Liver metastases from cancer of unknown primary (CUPL): a retrospective analysis of presentation, management and prognosis in 49 patients and systematic review of the literature (Journal article)

  Undergraduate training in oncology: an ESO continuing challenge for medical students (Journal article)

  Palliative chemotherapy in elderly patients with common metastatic malignancies: A Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group registry analysis of management, outcome and clinical benefit predictors (Journal article)

  Oncology for medical students: a European School of Oncology contribution to undergraduate cancer education (Journal article)

  Non-small cell lung cancer in the young: a retrospective analysis of diagnosis, management and outcome data (Journal article)

  Neuroendocrine carcinoma of unknown primary: a systematic review of the literature and a comparative study with other neuroendocrine tumors (Journal article)