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Title: Χρήση πατάτας φαγητού και νομοθεσία διακίνησης
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Γεωπονίας. Τμήμα Γεωπονίας - Κατεύθυνση Φυτικής Παραγωγής
Subject classification: Πατάτα - Νομοθεσία διακίνησης
Keywords: Πατάτα
Link: Πτυχιακή εργασία
Table of contents: This work is structured in three chapters. The first chapter analyzes the use of the potato and its importance worldwide. The use of potato as a food is of global importance, as described in the present study. The potato has a high nutritional value and is an important part of the diet in many countries of the world. In this research, the global consumption of the potato and its role in dealing with hunger and malnutrition are initially examined. In addition, the various culinary uses of the potato in various cultures are explored, thus lending a multicultural character to the analysis. This is followed by the second chapter, in which the challenges related to potato cultivation are analyzed. Potato cultivation faces challenges related to environmental concerns, social and economic impacts, as well as challenges and opportunities for potato growers worldwide. These challenges include the need for sustainable farming practices and promoting food security. Finally, in the third chapter of this study, the legislative framework for potato marketing is analyzed. In particular, the legislative framework for the marketing of potatoes, in general and in Europe, is analyzed. This legislative framework regulates the specifications and quality standards for potatoes traded on the market, ensuring the safety and quality of the products that reach the consumer public. In summary, this study highlights the importance of potato as a food worldwide, examines the challenges faced by growers and analyzes the legislative framework for its marketing. This research paves the way for further study and discussion on the use of potato in food and agriculture.
Appears in Collections:Προπτυχιακές εργασίες Τμ. Τεχνολόγων Γεωπόνων - Κατεύθυνση Φυτικής Παραγωγής

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