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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).

  Migration of di-(2-ethylhexyl)adipate and acetyltributyl citrate plasticizers from food-grade PVC film into isooctane: Effect of gamma radiation (Journal article)

  Migration of dioctyladipate plasticizer from food-grade WC film into chicken meat products: Effect of gamma-radiation (Journal article)

  Determination of radiolysis products in gamma-irradiated multilayer barrier food packaging films containing a middle layer of recycled LDPE (Journal article)

  Combined effect of irradiation and modified atmosphere packaging on shelf-life extension of chicken breast meat: microbiological, chemical and sensory changes (Journal article)

  Changes in physicochemical and mechanical properties of gamma-irradiated polypropylene syringes as a function of irradiation dose (Journal article)

  Changes in physicochemical and mechanical properties of electron-beam irradiated polypropylene syringes as a function of irradiation dose (Journal article)

  Study of the migration behavior of acetyl tributyl citrate from PVDC/PVC film into fish fillets as affected by intermediate doses of electron beam radiation (Journal article)

  Effect of high-dose electron beam irradiation on the migration of DOA and ATBC plasticizers from food-grade PVC and PVDC/PVC films, respectively, into olive oil (Journal article)

  Effect of electron-beam and gamma-irradiation on physicochemical and mechanical properties of polypropylene syringes as a function of irradiation dose: Study under vacuum (Journal article)

  Effect of electron beam and gamma radiation on the migration of plasticizers from flexible food packaging materials into foods and food simulants (Journal article)