Browsing by Author Lambropoulos, S.

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
TitleAuthor(s)Issue date???itemlist.???
Association of drinking pattern and alcohol beverage type with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome, diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease in a Mediterranean cohortAthyros, V. G.; Liberopoulos, E. N.; Mikhailidis, D. P.; Papageorgiou, A. A.; Ganotakis, E. S.; Tziomalos, K.; Kakafika, A. I.; Karagiannis, A.; Lambropoulos, S.; Elisaf, M. S.24-Nov-2015-
Do we reperfuse those in most need? Clinical characteristics of ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients receiving reperfusion therapy in the countrywide registry HELIOSPipilis, A.; Andrikopoulos, G.; Lekakis, J.; Gotsis, A.; Oikonomou, K.; Toli, K.; Kyrpizidis, C.; Lambropoulos, S.; Stefanatos, L.; Goumas, G.; Kochiadakis, G.; Koutsogiannis, N.; Kassimatis, A.; Kogias, I.; Kartalis, A.; Kostopoulos, V.; Goudevenos, J.; Helios Group24-Nov-2015-
Paclitaxel and carboplatin as first-line chemotherapy combined with gefitinib (IRESSA) in patients with advanced breast cancer: a phase I/II study conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology GroupFountzilas, G.; Pectasides, D.; Kalogera-Fountzila, A.; Skarlos, D.; Kalofonos, H. P.; Papadimitriou, C.; Bafaloukos, D.; Lambropoulos, S.; Papadopoulos, S.; Kourea, H.; Markopoulos, C.; Linardou, H.; Mavroudis, D.; Briasoulis, E.; Pavlidis, N.; Razis, E.; Kosmidis, P.; Gogas, H.24-Nov-2015-
Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer with gefitinib ('Iressa', ZD1839): the Greek experience with a compassionate-use programRazis, E.; Skarlos, D.; Briasoulis, E.; Dimopoulos, M.; Fountzilas, G.; Lambropoulos, S.; Rigatos, S.; Kopterides, P.; Efstathiou, H.; Tzamakou, E.; Bakoyannis, C.; Pectasides, D.; Makatsoris, T.; Varthalitis, G.; Papadopoulos, S.; Kosmidis, P.24-Nov-2015-