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Showing results 123 to 142 of 174 < previous   next >
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Outcomes in subgroups of hypertensive patients treated with regimens based on valsartan and amlodipine: An analysis of findings from the VALUE trialZanchetti, A.; Julius, S.; Kjeldsen, S.; McInnes, G. T.; Hua, T.; Weber, M.; Laragh, J. H.; Plat, F.; Battegay, E.; Calvo-Vargas, C.; Cieslinski, A.; Degaute, J. P.; Holwerda, N. J.; Kobalava, J.; Pedersen, O. L.; Rudyatmoko, F. P.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Storset, O.24-Nov-2015-
Ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test in patients with chronic renal failure: pharmacokinetic properties, and plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and serum cortisol responsesSiamopoulos, K. C.; Eleftheriades, E. G.; Pappas, M.; Sferopoulos, G.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Oxidative modification of albumin in predialysis, hemodialysis, and peritoneal dialysis patientsMitrogianni, Z.; Barbouti, A.; Galaris, D.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Oxidative stress is progressively enhanced with advancing stages of CKDDounousi, E.; Papavasiliou, E.; Makedou, A.; Ioannou, K.; Katopodis, K. P.; Tselepis, A.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Tsakiris, D.24-Nov-2015-
Oxidative stress is progressively enhanced with advancing stages of CKDDounousi, E.; Papavasiliou, E.; Makedou, A.; Loannou, K.; Katopodis, K. P.; Tselepis, A.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Tsakiris, D.24-Nov-2015-
PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in plasma of patients with chronic kidney disease. Effect of long-term therapy with erythropoietinPapavasiliou, E. C.; Gouva, C.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Tselepis, A. D.24-Nov-2015-
PAF-acetylhydrolase activity on Lp(a) before and during Cu2+-induced oxidative modification in vitroKarabina, S. A. P.; Elisaf, M. C.; Goudevenos, J.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Sideris, D.; Tselepis, A. D.24-Nov-2015-
Paraquat-induced renal injury studied by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urineBairaktari, E.; Katopodis, K.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Pathogenetic mechanisms of hypomagnesemia in alcoholic patientsElisaf, M. S.; Merkouropoulos, M.; Tsianos, E. V.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Pathophysiology and management of fluid and electrolyte disturbances in patients on chronic dialysis with severe hyperglycemiaTzamaloukas, A. H.; Ing, T. S.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Raj, D. S.; Elisaf, M. S.; Rohrscheib, M.; Murata, G. H.24-Nov-2015-
A patient with new-onset hypercholesterolemiaLiberopoulos, E. N.; Florentin, M.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Elisaf, M. S.24-Nov-2015-
Peritoneal membrane transport for low molecular weight substances with the use of one bag dialysate collectionIkonomou, M.; Katopodis, K.; Nousia, P.; Tzalavra, E.; Koliousi, E.; Tsaliou, B.; Katsaraki, A.; Betsiou, V.; Dimitriou, A.; Theodorou, J.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Phantom cytomegalovirus infection in vasculitis patients: what it means and what to doKatsanos, K. H.; Kostoula, A.; Katopodis, K. P.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Pituitary adrenal responsiveness to corticotropin-releasing hormone in chronic uremic patientsSiamopoulos, K. C.; Dardamanis, M.; Kyriaki, D.; Pappas, M.; Sferopoulos, G.; Alevisou, V.24-Nov-2015-
Plasma and Lp(a)-associated PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in uremic patients undergoing different dialysis proceduresMilionis, H. J.; Elisaf, M. S.; Karabina, S. A.; Bairaktari, E.; Tselepis, A. D.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Plasma and Lp(a)-associated PAF-acetylhydrolase activity in uremic patients undergoing different dialysis proceduresMilionis, H. J.; Elisaf, M. S.; Karabina, S. A. P.; Bairaktari, E.; Tselepis, A. D.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome presenting as acute renal failure with severe hyperkalemiaElisaf, M. S.; Pappas, H.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Prerenal azotemia in a diabetic patient with hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism and autonomic neuropathyElisaf, M. S.; Tomos, P. P.; Milionis, H. J.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Prevalence of antibodies to human T-lymphotropic virus types I and II in volunteer blood donors and high-risk groups in northwestern GreeceDalekos, G. N.; Zervou, E.; Karabini, F.; Elisaf, M. S.; Bourantas, K.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Pronounced electrolyte abnormalities in a patient with acute leukemiaElisaf, M. S.; Burads, K.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-