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Showing results 4 to 17 of 17 < previous 
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The detection of glucocorticoid receptors in breast cancer by immunocytochemical and biochemical methodsIoannidis, C.; Papamichail, M.; Agnanti, N.; Garas, J.; Tsawdaroglou, N.; Sekeris, C. E.24-Nov-2015-
Duct-ligated versus duct-obliterated canine pancreatic autografts: early postoperative resultsPapachristou, D. N.; Agnanti, N.; Fortner, J. G.24-Nov-2015-
Expression analysis of BCL2L12, a new member of apoptosis-related genes, in colon cancerMathioudaki, K.; Scorilas, A.; Papadokostopoulou, A.; Xynopoulos, D.; Arnogianaki, N.; Agnanti, N.; Talieri, M.24-Nov-2015-
Gastric carcinoma after treatment of ulcerPapachristou, D. N.; Agnanti, N.; Fortner, J. G.24-Nov-2015-
Glomus tumor. A histological, histochemical and immunohistochemical study of the various typesLiapi-Avgeri, G.; Karabela-Bouropoulou, V.; Agnanti, N.24-Nov-2015-
Histological changes of squamous cell carcinoma induced by continuous intra-arterial infusion of high doses of methotrexateGaras, J.; Karaiossifidis, K.; Agnanti, N.; Besbeas, S.; Georgaka, A.; Maragoudakis, S.; Liarikos, S.; Gropas, G.; Papaharalambous, N.24-Nov-2015-
Histologically positive esophageal margin in the surgical treatment of gastric cancerPapachristou, D. N.; Agnanti, N.; D'Agostino, H.; Fortner, J. G.24-Nov-2015-
Immunoparalysis in patients with severe trauma and the effect of inhaled interferon-gammaNakos, G.; Malamou-Mitsi, V. D.; Lachana, A.; Karassavoglou, A.; Kitsiouli, E.; Agnanti, N.; Lekka, M. E.24-Nov-2015-
Presence and possible significance of immunohistochemically demonstrable metallothionein expression in pterygium versus pinguecula and normal conjunctivaTsironi, S.; Ioachim, E.; Machera, M.; Aspiotis, M.; Agnanti, N.; Psilas, K.24-Nov-2015-
The PRMT1 gene expression pattern in colon cancerMathioudaki, K.; Papadokostopoulou, A.; Scorilas, A.; Xynopoulos, D.; Agnanti, N.; Talieri, M.24-Nov-2015-
Rectal metastases from lobular carcinoma of the breast: report of a case and literature reviewBamias, A.; Baltayiannis, G.; Kamina, S.; Fatouros, M.; Lymperopoulos, E.; Agnanti, N.; Tsianos, E.; Pavlidis, N.24-Nov-2015-
The role of human tissue kallikreins 7 and 8 in intracranial malignanciesPrezas, P.; Scorilas, A.; Yfanti, C.; Viktorov, P.; Agnanti, N.; Diamandis, E.; Talieri, M.24-Nov-2015-
Significance of urokinase-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression in human colorectal carcinomasPapadopoulou, S.; Scorilas, A.; Yotis, J.; Arnogianaki, N.; Plataniotis, G.; Agnanti, N.; Talieri, M.24-Nov-2015-
Thermal tissue damage following laser and large loop conization of the cervixParaskevaidis, E.; Kitchener, H. C.; Malamou-Mitsi, V.; Agnanti, N.; Lolis, D.24-Nov-2015-