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Showing results 1 to 20 of 22  next >
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Are democratic governments more efficient?Adam, A.; Delis, M. D.; Καμμάς, Παντελής24-Nov-2015-
Are democratic governments more efficient?Delis, M. D.; Adam, A.; Καμμάς, Παντελής24-Nov-2015-
Controlled Synthesis of Carbon-Encapsulated Copper Nanostructures by Using Smectite Clays as NanotemplatesTsoufis, T.; Colomer, J. F.; Maccallini, E.; Jankovic, L.; Rudolf, P.; Gournis, D.24-Nov-2015-
The effect of dioctyl phthalate films on the ammonium nitrate aerosol evaporation rateCruz, C. N.; Dassios, K. G.; Pandis, S. N.24-Nov-2015-
Empirical size and power of some diagnostic tests applied to a distributed lag modelΧατζηνικολάου, Δημήτριος; Σταυρακούδης, Αθανάσιος24-Nov-2015-
Endothelin receptor - A blockade decreases ventricular arrhythmias after myocardial infarction in ratsBaltogiannis, G. G.; Tsalikakis, D. G.; Mitsi, A. C.; Hatzistergos, K. E.; Elaiopoulos, D.; Fotiadis, D. I.; Kyriakides, Z. S.; Kolettis, T. M.24-Nov-2015-
Enrichment of PAHs and heavy metals in soils in the vicinity of the lignite-fired power plants of West Macedonia (Greece)Stalikas, C. D.; Chaidou, C. I.; Pilidis, G. A.24-Nov-2015-
An equation of state for melts of linear homopolymersKosmas, M.; Vlahos, C.; Tsironis, C.24-Nov-2015-
Fatigue Behaviour of SiC Particulate-Reinforced A359 Aluminium Matrix CompositesMyriounis, D. P.; Matikas, T. E.; Hasan, S. T.24-Nov-2015-
The influence of surface acid density on the freezing behavior of water confined in mesoporous MCM-41 solidsSklari, S.; Rahiala, H.; Stathopoulos, V.; Rosenholm, J.; Pomonis, P.24-Nov-2015-
An inventory model with deteriorating items, quantity discount, pricing and time-dependent partial backloggingPapachristos, S.; Skouri, K.24-Nov-2015-
L1(0) ordering and magnetic interactions in FePt nanoparticles embedded in MgO and SiO2 shell matricesTomou, A.; Panagiotopoulos, I.; Gournis, D.; Kooi, B.24-Nov-2015-
The long-term temporal variability and spectral colour of animal populationsInchausti, P.; Halley, J.24-Nov-2015-
The mass accommodation coefficient of ammonium nitrate aerosolDassios, K. G.; Pandis, S. N.24-Nov-2015-
Mesoporous Al-Fe-P-O solids prepared in non-aqueous medium: structure and surface acid catalytic behaviour.Aptel, G.; Petrakis, D.; Jones, D.; Roziere, J.; Pomonis, P.24-Nov-2015-
Mesoporous titania nanocrystals prepared using hexadecylamine surfactant template: Crystallization progress monitoring, morphological characterization and application in dye-sensitized solar cellsAlexaki, N.; Stergiopoulos, T.; Kontos, A. G.; Tsoukleris, D. S.; Katsoulidis, A. P.; Pomonis, P. J.; LeClere, D. J.; Skeldon, P.; Thompson, G. E.; Falaras, P.24-Nov-2015-
Microporosity, pore anisotropy and surface properties of organized mesoporous silicates (OMSi) containing cobalt and ceriumKatsoulidis, A. P.; Petrakis, D. E.; Armatas, G. S.; Pomonis, P. J.24-Nov-2015-
Patchy disturbance favours longer dispersal distanceKallimanis, A. S.; Kunin, W. E.; Halley, J. M.; Sgardelis, S. P.24-Nov-2015-
Plasma lipoproteins and triacylglycerol are predictors of small, dense LDL particlesTsimihodimos, V.; Gazi, I.; Kostara, C.; Tselepis, A. D.; Elisaf, M.24-Nov-2015-
Synthesis and Chemical Modification of Magnetic Nanoparticles Covalently Bound to Polystyrene-SiCl2-Poly(2-vinylpyridine)Serrano-Ruiz, D.; Rangou, S.; Avgeropoulos, A.; Zafeiropoulos, N. E.; Lopez-Cabarcos, E.; Rubio-Retama, J.24-Nov-2015-