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Showing results 10715 to 10734 of 47999 < previous   next >
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Die musik des griechischen alterthumes : nach den alten quellen neu bearbeitetWestphal, Rudolf26-Dec-2017-
Must Oxygenation and Polyphenoloxidase Inhibition and the Oxidation of White WineVaimakis, V.; Roussis, I. G.24-Nov-2015-
Must oxygenation together with glutathione addition in the oxidation of white wineVaimakis, V.; Roussis, I. G.24-Nov-2015-
Mutagen sensitivity and risk of gliomas: a case-control analysisBondy, M. L.; Kyritsis, A. P.; Gu, J.; de Andrade, M.; Cunningham, J.; Levin, V. A.; Bruner, J. M.; Wei, Q.24-Nov-2015-
Mutagenicity, developmental toxicity and carcinogenicity of cannabisMarselos, M.; Karamanakos, P.24-Nov-2015-
A mutant oncolytic adenovirus targeting the Rb pathway produces anti-glioma effect in vivoFueyo, J.; Gomez-Manzano, C.; Alemany, R.; Lee, P. S.; McDonnell, T. J.; Mitlianga, P.; Shi, Y. X.; Levin, V. A.; Yung, W. K.; Kyritsis, A. P.24-Nov-2015-
Mutational analysis of critical residues determining antigen presentation and activation of HLA-DQ0602 restricted T-cell clonesReichstetter, S.; Papadopoulos, G. K.; Moustakas, A. K.; Swanson, E.; Liu, A. W.; Beheray, S.; Ettinger, R. A.; Nepom, G. T.; Kwok, W. W.24-Nov-2015-
Mutations in FRMD7, a newly identified member of the FERM family, cause X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmusTarpey, P.; Thomas, S.; Sarvananthan, N.; Mallya, U.; Lisgo, S.; Talbot, C. J.; Roberts, E. O.; Awan, M.; Surendran, M.; McLean, R. J.; Reinecke, R. D.; Langmann, A.; Lindner, S.; Koch, M.; Jain, S.; Woodruff, G.; Gale, R. P.; Bastawrous, A.; Degg, C.; Droutsas, K.; Asproudis, I.; Zubcov, A. A.; Pieh, C.; Veal, C. D.; Machado, R. D.; Backhouse, O. C.; Baumber, L.; Constantinescu, C. S.; Brodsky, M. C.; Hunter, D. G.; Hertle, R. W.; Read, R. J.; Edkins, S.; O'Meara, S.; Parker, A.; Stevens, C.; Teague, J.; Wooster, R.; Futreal, P. A.; Trembath, R. C.; Stratton, M. R.; Raymond, F. L.; Gottlob, I.24-Nov-2015-
Mutations in FRMD7, a newly identified member of the FERM family, cause X-linked idiopathic congenital nystagmus (vol 38, pg 1242, 2006)Tarpey, P.; Thomas, S.; Sarvananthan, N.; Mallya, U.; Lisgo, S.; Talbot, C. J.; Roberts, E. O.; Awan, M.; Surendran, M.; McLean, R. J.; Reinecke, R. D.; Langmann, A.; Lindner, S.; Koch, M.; Jain, S.; Woodruff, G.; Gale, R. P.; Degg, C.; Droutsas, K.; Asproudis, I.; Zubcov, A. A.; Pieh, C.; Veal, C. D.; Machado, R. D.; Backhouse, O. C.; Baumber, L.; Constantinescu, C. S.; Brodsky, M. C.; Hunter, D. G.; Hertle, R. W.; Read, R. J.; Edkins, S.; O'Meara, S.; Parker, A.; Stevens, C.; Teague, J.; Wooster, R.; Futreal, P. A.; Trembath, R. C.; Stratton, M. R.; Raymond, F. L.; Gottlob, I.; Bastawrous, A.24-Nov-2015-
Mutations of the p16 gene in gliomasKyritsis, A. P.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, W.; Xiao, M.; Takeshima, H.; Bondy, M. L.; Cunningham, J. E.; Levin, V. A.; Bruner, J.24-Nov-2015-
Mycenaean Aperopia: Thoughts about working areas and production systemsΛώλος, Γιάννος Γ.; Marabea, Chr.24-Nov-2015-
Mycenaean glass from the Argolid, Peloponnese, GreeceZacharias, Nikolaos; KAPAROU, MARIA; Oikonomou, Artemios; Kasztovszky, Zsolt12-May-2021-
MYCN oncogene and angiogenesis: down-regulation of endothelial growth inhibitors in human neuroblastoma cells. Purification, structural, and functional characterizationHatzi, E.; Breit, S.; Zoephel, A.; Ashman, K.; Tontsch, U.; Ahorn, H.; Murphy, C.; Schweigerer, L.; Fotsis, T.24-Nov-2015-
Mycophenolate mofetil or intravenous cyclophosphamide in lupus nephritisKarassa, F. B.24-Nov-2015-
Mycosis fungoides: expression of C-myc p62 p53, bcl-2 and PCNA proteins and absence of association with Epstein-Barr virusKanavaros, P.; Ioannidou, D.; Tzardi, M.; Datseris, G.; Katsantonis, J.; Delidis, G.; Tosca, A.24-Nov-2015-
Mydj2 as a potent partner of hsc70 in mammalian cellsBozidis, P.; Lazaridis, I.; Pagoulatos, G. N.; Angelidis, C. E.24-Nov-2015-
Myelination process in preterm subjects with periventricular leucomalacia assessed by magnetization transfer ratioXydis, V.; Astrakas, L.; Drougia, A.; Gassias, D.; Andronikou, S.; Argyropoulou, M.24-Nov-2015-
Myelotoxicity as a prognostic factor in patients with advanced breast cancer treated with chemotherapy: a pooled analysis of two randomised trials conducted by the Hellenic Cooperative Oncology GroupKoutras, A. K.; Fountzilas, G.; Dafni, U.; Dimopoulos, M. A.; Pectasides, D.; Klouvas, G.; Papakostas, P.; Kosmidis, P.; Samantas, E.; Gogas, H.; Briasoulis, E.; Vourli, G.; Petsas, T.; Xiros, N.; Kalofonos, H. P.24-Nov-2015-
Myocardial ischemia caused by cold-water submersionKolettis, T. M.; Katsouras, C. S.; Pappas, K.; Goudevenos, J.24-Nov-2015-
Myocardial ischemia in intestinal postischemic shock: the effect of hypoxemic reperfusionDouzinas, E. E.; Pitaridis, M. T.; Patsouris, E.; Kollias, S.; Boursinos, V.; Karmpaliotis, D. I.; Gratsias, Y.; Evangelou, E.; Papalois, A.; Konstantinidou, A. E.; Roussos, C.24-Nov-2015-