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  Migration of di-(2-ethylhexylexyl)adipate plasticizer from food-grade polyvinyl chloride film into hard and soft cheeses (Journal article)

  Changes in the specific migration characteristics of packaging-food simulant combinations caused by ionizing radiation: Effect of food simulant (Journal article)

  Changes in physicochemical and mechanical properties of gamma-irradiated polypropylene syringes as a function of irradiation dose (Journal article)

  Study of the migration behavior of acetyl tributyl citrate from PVDC/PVC film into fish fillets as affected by intermediate doses of electron beam radiation (Journal article)

  Di(2-ethylhexyl) adipate migration from PVC-cling film into packaged sea bream (Sparus aurata) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillets: kinetic study and control of compliance with EU specifications (Journal article)

  Effect of ionizing radiation on the physicochemical and mechanical properties of commercial monolayer flexible plastics packaging materials (Journal article)

  Effect of ionising radiation treatment on the specific migration characteristics of packaging-food simulant combinations: effect of type and dose of radiation (Journal article)

  Effect of ionizing radiation on physicochemical and mechanical properties of commercial monolayer and multilayer semirigid plastics packaging materials (Journal article)

  Effect of ionizing radiation on physicochemical and mechanical properties of commercial multilayer coextruded flexible plastics packaging materials (Journal article)

  Volatile and non-volatile radiolysis products in irradiated multilayer coextruded food-packaging films containing a buried layer of recycled low-density polyethylene (Journal article)