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Results 61-70 of 91 (Search time: 0.032 seconds).

  Coagulopathy in moderate head injury. The role of early administration of low molecular weight heparin (Journal article)

  European multicentre study to define disease activity criteria for systemic sclerosis. II. Identification of disease activity variables and development of preliminary activity indexes (Journal article)

  Fluorouracil and leucovorin with or without interferon alfa-2b in advanced colorectal cancer: analysis of a prospective randomized phase III trial. Hellenic Cooperative Oncology Group (Journal article)

  Evidence of survival benefit of extended (D2) lymphadenectomy in western patients with gastric cancer based on a new concept: a prospective long-term follow-up study (Journal article)

  Association of the SHBG gene promoter polymorphism with early markers of atherosclerosis in apparently healthy women (Journal article)

  Epidemiological characteristics, management and early outcome of acute myocardial infarction in Greece: the HELlenic Infarction Observation Study (Journal article)

  Erythema nodosum: the underlying conditions (Journal article)

  Clear evidence that long-term, low-dose tamoxifen treatment can induce ocular toxicity. A prospective study of 63 patients (Journal article)

  Cerebral oximetry and stump pressure as indicators for shunting during carotid endarterectomy: comparative evaluation (Journal article)

  Carboplatin alone compared with its combination with epirubicin and cyclophosphamide in untreated advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: a Hellenic co-operative oncology group study (Journal article)