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Showing results 41 to 60 of 85 < previous   next >
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Isolation and partial characterization of prothymosin alpha from porcine tissuesEconomou, M.; Seferiadis, K.; Frangou-Lazaridis, M.; Horecker, B. L.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Isolation and partial sequence of goat spleen prothymosin alphaFrillingos, S.; Frangou-Lazaridis, M.; Seferiadis, K.; Hulmes, J. D.; Pan, Y. C.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Isolation and sequence analysis of a peptide from the active site of transaldolaseLai, C. Y.; Chen, C.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Isolation by a new method and sequence analysis of chromosomal HMG-17 protein from porcine thymusBoumba, V. A.; Tsolas, O.; Choli-Papadopoulou, D.; Seferiadis, K.24-Nov-2015-
Isolation of a peptide containing a histidinyl-cysteinyl sequence from the active center of transaldolaseTsolas, O.; Sun, S. C.24-Nov-2015-
Lactate levels in Brucella arthritisMavridis, A. K.; Drosos, A. A.; Tsolas, O.; Moutsopoulos, H. M.24-Nov-2015-
Large-scale chromatofocusing-based method for isolating thymosin beta 4 and thymosin beta 9 from bovine tissuesRoboti, A.; Livaniou, E.; Evangelatos, G. P.; Tsoupras, G.; Tsolas, O.; Ithakissios, D. S.24-Nov-2015-
Lipid parameters including Lp(a) in hemodialysis patientsElisaf, M. S.; Bairaktari, H.; Tzallas, C.; Germanos, N.; Koulouridis, E.; Pappas, M.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Lipoprotein (a), apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes, and thyroid autoimmunity in uremic patientsBairaktari, E. T.; Milionis, H. J.; Katopodis, K.; Tzallas, C.; Tselepis, A. D.; Tsolas, O.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Elisaf, M. S.24-Nov-2015-
Lp(a) levels are different in patients with various types of primary hyperlipidemiaElisaf, M. S.; Milionis, H.; Bairaktari, E.; Tzallas, C.; Liberopoulos, E.; Tsolas, O.; Siamopoulos, K. C.24-Nov-2015-
Mechanism of action of prothymosin alpha in the human autologous mixed lymphocyte responseBaxevanis, C. N.; Reclos, G. J.; Economou, M.; Arsenis, P.; Katsiyiannis, A.; Seferiades, K.; Papadopoulos, G.; Tsolas, O.; Papamichail, M.24-Nov-2015-
Modification of fructose bisphosphatase by a proteolytic enzyme from rat liver lysosomesLazo, P. S.; Tsolas, O.; Sun, S. C.; Pontremoli, S.; Horecker, B. L.24-Nov-2015-
Nuclear distribution of prothymosin alpha and parathymosin: evidence that prothymosin alpha is associated with RNA synthesis processing and parathymosin with early DNA replicationVareli, K.; Frangou-Lazaridis, M.; van der Kraan, I.; Tsolas, O.; van Driel, R.24-Nov-2015-
Ovine corticotropin-releasing hormone stimulation test in patients with chronic renal failure: pharmacokinetic properties, and plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone and serum cortisol responsesSiamopoulos, K. C.; Eleftheriades, E. G.; Pappas, M.; Sferopoulos, G.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Paraquat-induced renal injury studied by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of urineBairaktari, E.; Katopodis, K.; Siamopoulos, K. C.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Partially reversible renal tubular damage in patients with obstructive jaundiceBairaktari, E.; Liamis, G.; Tsolas, O.; Elisaf, M. S.24-Nov-2015-
Positive feedback effect of oestradiol in superovulated womenMessinis, I. E.; Mademtzis, I.; Zikopoulos, K.; Tsahalina, E.; Seferiadis, K.; Tsolas, O.; Templeton, A. A.24-Nov-2015-
Primary idiopathic hypomagnesemia in two female siblingsChalla, A.; Papaefstathiou, I.; Lapatsanis, D.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-
Properties of a fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase converting enzyme in rat liver lysosomesCrivellaro, O.; Lazo, P. S.; Tsolas, O.; Pontremoli, S.; Horecker, B. L.24-Nov-2015-
Prothymosin alpha binds to histone H1 in vitroPapamarcaki, T.; Tsolas, O.24-Nov-2015-