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Showing results 26 to 45 of 114 < previous   next >
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Demonstration of Epstein-Barr virus genome in neoplastic cells of Hodgkin's disease by in situ hybridization, in paraffin-embedded tissue using biotinylated probes. A study of 46 casesKarameris, A.; Kanavaros, P.24-Nov-2015-
Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas with germinal center B-cell-like differentiation immunophenotypic profile are associated with high apoptotic index, high expression of the proapoptotic proteins bax, bak and bid and low expression of the antiapoptotic protein bcl-xlBai, M.; Skyrlas, A.; Agnantis, N. J.; Kamina, S.; Tsanou, E.; Grepi, C.; Galani, V.; Kanavaros, P.24-Nov-2015-
Discordant expression of immunoglobulin and its associated molecule mb-1/CD79a is frequently found in mediastinal large B cell lymphomasKanavaros, P.; Gaulard, P.; Charlotte, F.; Martin, N.; Ducos, C.; Lebezu, M.; Mason, D. Y.24-Nov-2015-
DNA content and proliferation activity in superficial transitional cell carcinoma of the bladderPantazopoulos, D.; Ioakim-Liossi, A.; Karakitsos, P.; Aroni, K.; Kakoliris, S.; Kanavaros, P.; Kyrkou, K. A.24-Nov-2015-
Effects of adrenergic agents on rat peritoneal macrophages activated in vitro by acetylated low-density lipoproteinKondomerkos, D. J.; Kalamidas, S. A.; Michalis, L. K.; Kanavaros, P.24-Nov-2015-
The effects of phosphoinositide/calcium- or cyclic AMP-mediated signal transduction pathway inhibitors on the activation of rat peritoneal macrophages by acetylated low-density lipoproteinKondomerkos, D. J.; Kalamidas, S. A.; Michalis, L. K.; Kanavaros, P.24-Nov-2015-
EGF and EGF-r immunoexpression in Sjogren's syndrome secondary to rheumatoid arthritis. Correlation with EBV expression?Gorgoulis, V.; Giatromanolaki, A.; Iliopoulos, A.; Kanavaros, P.; Aninos, D.; Ioakeimidis, D.; Kontomerkos, T.; Karameris, A.24-Nov-2015-
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) genomes and EBV-encoded latent membrane protein (LMP) in pulmonary lymphomas occurring in nonimmunocompromised patientsSabourin, J. C.; Kanavaros, P.; Briere, J.; Lescs, M. C.; Petrella, T.; Zafrani, E. S.; Gaulard, P.24-Nov-2015-
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) in extranodal T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (T-NHL). Identification of nasal T-NHL as a distinct clinicopathological entity associated with EBVKanavaros, P.; De Bruin, P. C.; Briere, J.; Meijer, C. J.; Gaulard, P.24-Nov-2015-
Epstein-Barr virus in non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of the upper respiratory tract: association with sinonasal localization and expression of NK and/or T-cell antigens by tumour cellsKanavaros, P.; Briere, J.; Lescs, M. C.; Gaulard, P.24-Nov-2015-
Epstein-Barr virus in T and natural killer (NK) cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomasKanavaros, P.; Briere, J.; Emile, J. F.; Gaulard, P.24-Nov-2015-
Epstein-Barr virus-associated high-grade anaplastic plasmacytoma in a renal transplant patientPapadaki, H. A.; Stefanaki, K.; Kanavaros, P.; Katonis, P.; Papastathi, H.; Valatas, W.; Stylianoy, K.; Eliopoulos, G. D.24-Nov-2015-
Expression and subcellular localization of human AP endonuclease 1 (HAP1/Ref-1) protein: a basis for its role in human diseaseKakolyris, S.; Kaklamanis, L.; Giatromanolaki, A.; Koukourakis, M.; Hickson, I. D.; Barzilay, G.; Turley, H.; Leek, R. D.; Kanavaros, P.; Georgoulias, V.; Gatter, K. C.; Harris, A. L.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of bcl-2 and p53 proteins in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Absence of correlation with the presence of EBV encoded EBER1-2 transcripts and latent membrane protein-1Kouvidou, C.; Kanavaros, P.; Papaioannou, D.; Stathopoulos, E.; Sotsiou, F.; Datseris, G.; Tzardi, M.; Kittas, C.; Delides, G.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of bcl2 family proteins and active caspase 3 in classical Hodgkin's lymphomasBai, M.; Papoudou-Bai, A.; Horianopoulos, N.; Grepi, C.; Agnantis, N. J.; Kanavaros, P.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of c-myc and bcl-2 oncogene products in Reed-Sternberg cells independent of presence of Epstein-Barr virusJiwa, N. M.; Kanavaros, P.; van der Valk, P.; Walboomers, J. M.; Horstman, A.; Vos, W.; Mullink, H.; Meijer, C. J.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of cyclin D3 and cyclin E and identification of distinct clusters of proliferation and apoptosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphomasBai, M.; Tsanou, E.; Agnantis, N. J.; Chaidos, A.; Dimou, D.; Skyrlas, A.; Dimou, S.; Vlychou, M.; Galani, V.; Kanavaros, P.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of cytotoxic proteins in peripheral T-cell and natural killer-cell (NK) lymphomas: association with extranodal site, NK or Tgammadelta phenotype, anaplastic morphology and CD30 expressionKanavaros, P.; Boulland, M. L.; Petit, B.; Arnulf, B.; Gaulard, P.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of EGF, TGF-alpha and EGFR in squamous cell lung carcinomasGorgoulis, V.; Aninos, D.; Mikou, P.; Kanavaros, P.; Karameris, A.; Joardanoglou, J.; Rasidakis, A.; Veslemes, M.; Ozanne, B.; Spandidos, D. A.24-Nov-2015-
Expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in gastric and colorectal carcinomas. An immunohistological study of 63 casesKarameris, A.; Kanavaros, P.; Aninos, D.; Gorgoulis, V.; Mikou, G.; Rokas, T.; Niotis, M.; Kalogeropoulos, N.24-Nov-2015-