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Results 1-10 of 14 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

  v-FBR-fos oncogene fails to rescue mammalian cells from growth arrest but affects the responses of human fibroblasts to heparin (Journal article)

  The course of dyskinesia induction by different treatment schedules of levodopa in Parkinsonian rats: is continuous dopaminergic stimulation necessary? (Journal article)

  Immunophenotype, ras oncogenes and p53 onco-suppressor gene in benzo(a)pyrene induced malignant soft tissue tumours in Wistar rats (Journal article)

  Comparison of the therapeutic effects of two vanadium complexes administered at low dose on benzo[a]pyrene-induced malignant tumors in rats (Journal article)

  Enhancement of the antineoplastic effect of anticarcinogens on benzo[a]pyrene-treated Wistar rats, in relation to their number and biological activity (Journal article)

  Effects of low intensity static electromagnetic radiofrequency fields on leiomyosarcoma and smooth muscle cell lines (Journal article)

  Effects of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonism on neuroleptic-induced orofacial dyskinesias (Journal article)

  Atrial natriuretic peptide and thyroid hormones' relation to plasma and heart calcium and magnesium concentrations of Wistar rats exposed to cold and hot ambients (Journal article)

  Antiproliferative and anticarcinogenic effects of an aqueous preparation of Abies alba and Viscum album se abies, on a L-1210 malignant cell line and tumor-bearing Wistar rats (Journal article)

  Antitumour and toxic effects on Wistar rats of two new platinum complexes (Journal article)