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dc.contributor.authorMarkakis, K. P.en
dc.contributor.authorKoropouli, M. K.en
dc.contributor.authorGrammenou-Savvoglou, S.en
dc.contributor.authorvan Winden, E. C.en
dc.contributor.authorDimitriou, A. A.en
dc.contributor.authorDemopoulos, C. A.en
dc.contributor.authorTselepis, A. D.en
dc.contributor.authorKotsifaki, E. E.en
dc.rightsDefault Licence-
dc.subjectoxidized 1-palmitoyl-2-arachidonoyl-phosphatidylcholineen
dc.subjectmoderately oxidized ldlen
dc.subjectheavily oxidized ldlen
dc.subjectscavenger receptor cd36en
dc.subjectfoam cell-formationen
dc.subjectoxidized phospholipidsen
dc.subjectatherosclerotic lesionsen
dc.subjectindependent predictoren
dc.subjectprotein moietiesen
dc.titleImplication of lipoprotein associated phospholipase A(2) activity in oxLDL uptake by macrophagesen
heal.type.enJournal articleen
heal.type.elΆρθρο Περιοδικούel
heal.identifier.primaryDoi 10.1194/Jlr.M003558-
heal.identifier.secondary<Go to ISI>://000279896800015-
heal.recordProviderΠανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων. Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών. Τμήμα Χημείαςel
heal.abstractRecognition and uptake of oxidized LDL (oxLDL) by scavenger receptors of macrophages and foam cell formation are mediated by the oxidatively modified apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and lipid moiety of oxLDL. A great amount of oxidized phosphatidylcholine (oxPC) of oxLDL is hydrolyzed at the sn-2 position by lipoprotein associated phospholipase A(2) (Lp-PLA(2)) to lysophosphatidylcholine and small oxidation products. This study examines the involvement of Lp-PLA(2) in the uptake of oxLDL by mouse peritoneal macrophages. LDL with intact Lp-PLA(2) activity [LDL (+)] and LDL with completely inhibited Lp-PLA(2) activity [LDL (-)] were subjected to oxidation with 5 mu M CuSO(4) for 6 h [moderately oxLDL (MoxLDL)], or 24 h [heavily oxLDL (HoxLDL)] and peritoneal macrophages were incubated with these preparations. The uptake of MoxLDL(-) was about 30% increased compared with that of MoxLDL(+), and HoxLDL(-) uptake was about 20% increased compared with that of HoxLDL(+). Inhibition of Lp-PLA(2) activity had no effect on the uptake of ApoB-liposomes conjugates with ApoB isolated from MoxLDL(-), MoxLDL(+), HoxLDL(-), and HoxLDL(+). Liposomes prepared from the lipid extract of MoxLDL(-), MoxLDL(+), HoxLDL(-), and HoxLDL(+) exhibited a similar pattern to that observed in the uptake of the corresponding intact lipoproteins.jlr This study suggests that the progressive inactivation of Lp-PLA(2) during LDL oxidation leads to an increased uptake of oxLDL by macrophages, which could be primarily attributed to the increased uptake of the oxidized phospholipids enriched lipid moiety of oxLDL.-Markakis, K. P., M. K. Koropouli, S. Grammenou-Savvoglou, E. C. van Winden, A. A. Dimitriou, C. A. Demopoulos, A. D. Tselepis, and E. E. Kotsifaki. Implication of lipoprotein associated phospholipase A(2) activity in oxLDL uptake by macrophages. J. Lipid Res. 2010. 51: 2191-2201.en
heal.journalNameJournal of Lipid Researchen
heal.journalTypepeer reviewed-
Appears in Collections:Άρθρα σε επιστημονικά περιοδικά ( Ανοικτά). ΧΗΜ

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