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Showing results 12526 to 12545 of 47990 < previous   next >
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Phenomenological analysis of particle dark matter modelsΚαραμήτρος, Δημήτριος20-Sep-2017-
Phenomenological and cosmological aspects of the breaking of the electroweak and global symmetries in the MSSM and the NMSSMTamvakis, K.24-Nov-2015-
Phenomenological and cosmological implications of classically scale-invariant standard model extensionsΚαράμ, Αλέξανδρος25-Jan-2019-
Phenomenological Constraints Imposed by the Hidden Sector in the Flipped Su(5)Xu(1) Superstring ModelLeontaris, G. K.; Rizos, J.; Tamvakis, K.24-Nov-2015-
Phenomenological Study of Backward Pion-PhotoproductionStorrow, J. K.; Triantafillopoulos, E.24-Nov-2015-
Phenomenological two-nucleon interaction operatorLagaris, I. E.; Pandharipande, V. R.24-Nov-2015-
Phenomenology of a new minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard modelDedes, A.; Hugonie, C.; Moretti, S.; Tamvakis, K.24-Nov-2015-
Phenomenology of the Hierarchical Lepton Mass-Spectrum in the Flipped Su(5)Xu(1) String ModelLeontaris, G. K.; Nanopoulos, D. V.24-Nov-2015-
The phenomenon of multifocality does not affect the biologic behavior of histologic prostate carcinomaStamatiou, K. N.; Dilernia, G. C.; Ilias, G. K.; Daskalopoulos, G. K.; Koutelekos, I. K.; Marianou, S. N.; Sofras, F. A.24-Nov-2015-
The phenomenon of state violence in the student communityΖάγκος, Χρήστος; Danis, Stefanos; Kyridis, Argyris; Tourtouras, Christos23-Apr-2021-
Phenotype determinants of the thiglycerides lowering effect of rosuvastatinKostapanos, M. S.; Milionis, H. J.; Filippatos, T. D.; Saougos, V. G.; Bairaktari, E. T.; Tselepis, A. D.; Elisaf, M. S.24-Nov-2015-
Phenotype of Hodgkin and Sternberg-Reed cells and expression of CD57 (LEU7) antigenPapadimitriou, C. S.; Bai, M. K.; Kotsianti, A. J.; Costopoulos, J. S.; Hytiroglou, P.24-Nov-2015-
Phenotypic and molecular genetic aspects of pseudohypoparathyroidism type Ib in a Greek kindred: evidence for enhanced uric acid excretion due to parathyroid hormone resistanceLaspa, E.; Bastepe, M.; Juppner, H.; Tsatsoulis, A.24-Nov-2015-
Phenotypic assessment of Neisseria meningitidis isolates obtained from patients with invasive meningococcal disease in Greece, 1993-2003: implications for serogroup B vaccines based on PorA serosubtype antigensTzankaki, G.; Markou, F.; Kesanopoulos, K.; Levidiotou, S.; Pangalis, A.; Tsolia, M.; Liakou, V.; Papapavasiliou, E.; Voyiatzi, A.; Kansouzidou, A.; Foustoukou, M.; Blackwell, C.; Kremastinou, J.24-Nov-2015-
Phenyliodine(III) bis phthalimidate. A novel polyvalent iodine compoundHadjiarapoglou, L.,; Spyroudis, S.,; Varvoglis, A.24-Nov-2015-
Phenyliodonium bis(phenylsulphonyl) methylide. A novel hypervalent iodonium ylideHadjiarapoglou, L.,; Spyroudis, S.,; Varvoglis, A.24-Nov-2015-
The PHEWE project - Assessment and prevention of acute health effects of weather conditions in EuropeMichelozzi, P.; Kirchmayer, U.; Katsouyanni, K.; Biggeri, A.; Bertollini, R.; Anderson, R. H.; Menne, B.; McGregor, G.; Kassomenos, P.24-Nov-2015-
Phi-Divergence Statistics - Sampling Properties and Multinomial Goodness of Fit and Divergence TestsZografos, K.; Ferentinos, K.; Papaioannou, T.24-Nov-2015-
Philia bei Aristoteles: Ethische Tugend oder ausseres Gut?Liatsi, M.24-Nov-2015-
Philippi II et l'organisation politique de la Thessalie en 344 av. J.CΠαπαστύλου- Φίλιου, Ζωή24-Nov-2015-